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~Newest Chapter: N/A~
~Newest Update: March 11th, 2025
Finished with the updated homepage! Will now steadily work on updating the rest of the site.
Hello, and welcome! Beloved Chronicles is a fantasy webnovel series following Hikaru and Suzette, a pair of reincarnating lovers, and their millenia-long drama ensnared in the machinations of the gods of their world. It is a passion project primarily for myself, perhaps to a fault: inspired by classic literature and vintage shoujo manga, it seeks to revel in sentimentality and tragedy, with lyrical prose and somewhat unconventional characters, imbued with as much earnestness as I can muster. Though in reality the series still remains in its infancy, it has existed—in some form or fashion, though scarcely recognizable nowadays—since 2010. I sincerely thank all willing to stay a spell in the little world I have made.
All that is written for Beloved Chronicles will be posted online, always; as much as I believe in the worth of writing as labor and as art, for myself it is more important that my work remain accessible to all. Currently, only the first volume of the series, String of Stardust is finished; I am in the process of writing its sister/sequel volumes, Pyre of Piety and Blossoms of Blood.
Do note that this is a series written firmly for adults; while rarely explicit, mature subject is mentioned and depicted. Please look at the content warnings if there is anything you do not wish to see, and refrain from reading entirely if you are below the age of sixteen.
Lastly, some terms of use for Beloved Chronicles: please refrain from fully uploading my work elsewhere; you may post snippets or individual artworks, but do credit them to the creator, James Margaret Rose. Nothing related to Beloved Chronicles may be used for commercial purposes without my express permission, including derivative works. Finally, though I am well aware it has already happened, regardless I do not condone or approve of the use of my work in the training of generative AI models.
This series is dedicated, in part, to my mother Kim, whose unconditional, selfless love made me believe a story as saccharine as this was not something ridiculous after all. Thank you for your faith in me, and the many ways in which you touched this work that you will never see. I hope in some small way this shall honor your memory, until we meet again too. Beloved Chronicles is also dedicated to my dearest friend Meg, who numerous times pulled me from the brink of oblivion, during my darkest days, and whose friendship has brought me countless hours of joy. Thank you for always indulging my creativity, and continuing to remind me that love is not dead after all. May we have many more years of enjoying our little guys together. Lastly, I would like to thank my father for his immense support of me, and my friends Mimi, Jon, and Nikki for always supporting my work, nearly from the moment I began sharing it in earnest. I will always appreciate the confidence you gave me in sharing my passion. |
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James Margaret Rose is a storyteller from Spokane who spends her days daydreaming about her characters kissing and attempting to live her dream life as a shoujo manga protagonist. Aside from her love of art and writing, she has a deep passion for history and Christian mysticism, and her favorite hobbies are doll collecting, lolita fashion, listening to music, and spending time with friends.
To see more, she can be found blogging on [Dreamwidth]; to contact her, you may email her at [jmrose@beloved.moe].
♡ Lovingly crafted by James Margaret Rose. 100% human made, always. Powered by Neocities. ♡